Sooner’s Eye Issue


Sooner, a 10-year-old Quarter Horse gelding presented with a Descemet’s membrane protruding through a corneal laceration to Dr. Larry Letner, veterinarian and owner of North Missouri Large Animal Clinic in Harris, MO.  This eye case had been referred to Dr. Larry.

September 11th, 2018 – Day 0 of Iris Prolapse the day of application of AniOcular

Sooner, a team roping horse had lost sight in the eye and was destined to have the eye enucleated.  Dr. Letner used a 15mm EquusCell AniOcular amnion disc to aid in the management of this now chronic eye indication.  Once the graft was placed, a tarsorrhaphy was performed and left for 10 days.  On September 21st, the sutures were removed and the following pictures taken:

September 21st, 2018 – Day 10 post application

On Day 10 the sutures of the tarsorrhaphy were pulled and the eye inspected.  The eye was then left open and reinspected on Monday, October 1st, 2018.  Sooner has regained sight and is still showing improvement.  Sooner was allowed to regain his use as a heading team roping horse.

October 1, 2018 – Day 20 post application

EquusCell AniOcular

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