
Last chance to grab the bonuses

Even though you didn’t join us in Email List Academy, I really want you to succeed in all your list-building goals going into 2020. So whether you’ve already got a small email list growing or want a new boost of growth... I want to make sure you have EVERYTHING you need to finally create that big list of raving subscribers that then turn into customers.

Bonus #1

33 Email Templates to Help You Engage, Build Trust, and Sell to Your List ($997 Value)

Have you ever seen that movie ‘Hitch’ with Will Smith? Or ‘Cyrano de Bergerac’? Both films have the same premise. They both tell the story of people who desperately want love but can’t quite find the words to make it happen — and so they turn to the experts to feed them the lines they need to woo the women of their dreams. 

Wondering what this has to do with your email list? Here’s the thing… 

When I ask online entrepreneurs and bloggers about their relationship to their email lists, I’m often met with a blank stare followed by a secret confession… 

They’ve got no idea what to say to their audience. Either they’ve ghosted their existing list for fear of saying the wrong thing OR they don’t even know where to start. 

If that’s you, consider me your new communication coach — the online business version of Hitch or Cyrano feeding you all the lines you’ll need to connect with your audience and encourage them to take action. 

I’ve searched my best performing emails over the past 5 years of running a successful online business and curated 33 fully-customizable templates that get results.

In this exclusive limited time bonus, you’ll get access to templates galore, including: 

  • Engagement Building Weekly Newsletters
  • Webinar Invitation Emails
  • Webinar Onboarding Emails
  • Webinar Follow-Up Sequence 
  • Digital Product Launch Sequences
  • Abandoned Cart Sequence
  • Re-engagement for Cold Subscribers Sequence
  • And more… 

With these handy templates by your side, you’ll never sit down to a blank page and wonder what to write ever again. The best part is I’m just giving you the fill-in-the-blanks framework — everything you write will still be true to you, your vibe, your business vision, and your audience. 

Sound good? Get in on this fast-action bonus before it expires!

Bonus #2

How To Organically Grow Your Traffic Masterclass ($197 Value)

Mmm mmm mmm organic goodness doesn’t just come in the form of crunchy carrots and that irresistible granola from the Farmer’s Market. It’s also the key to getting eyeballs on your work and more leads on your email list. 

In fact, being able to generate organic traffic is the creme de la creme for growing your online business quickly AND the best part is, it’s free! (There’s a time and a place for Facebook ads but nothing beats free traffic). 

In this bonus masterclass, you’ll learn how to grow your own organic traffic strategy to get more subscribers, more sales, and more visibility.

Bonus #3

Case Studies: A Breakdown of High-Converting Landing Pages ($197 Value)

Have you ever walked by a shop or restaurant that effortlessly drew you in? Your landing page is the digital equivalent. It has the power to either attract — or repel — the people you want on your list. 

A stunning landing page that speaks to your ideal clients and customers doesn’t happen by accident… it happens by design. I don’t know about you, but I learn best by example. 

That’s why I’m hooking you up with a breakdown of proven to convert landing pages that I’ve used to grow my email list to hundreds of thousands and in turn, my business to 7-figures. You, my friend, have my FULL permission to take what you learn and turn it into your own irresistible digital portal that leads straight to your awesome offers. 

Once you know how to write, design, and set-up landing pages that convert, watching new subscribers roll in will become your new favorite pastime (who needs Game of Thrones anyways?). 

Bonus #4

How To Plan Your Business Goals and Annual Income Projections Masterclass ($197 Value)

You might not know it yet, but you can predict the future. A system in combination with your foresight, vision, and planning skills is all you need to project exactly how much money you’ll see in your PayPal account not just next week, but for the entire year. 

Most online entrepreneurs just fly by the seat of their pants when it comes to finance, but knowing your numbers is a lot sexier than it sounds. Understanding where your revenue is coming from and when is the only way you can truly scale it up, make smart investment decisions, and track growth. 

That’s why I’m including a very special bonus masterclass that walks you through how I plan my income projections for the year. You bet there’s a sleek looking spreadsheet included, AND I’ll even give you a tour of my project management system Asana where I manage the day-to-day tasks that help me to reach my goals. Get ready to nerd out. 

Bonus #5

Copywriting Your Way to 6 Figures ($297 Value)

Great copy is a bridge between you and your audience. In the online world, copy is your main communication channel — it’s your opportunity to use your message to build trust, likeability, and awareness with your dream clients and customers. 

How else can you take someone from not knowing you exist to BELIEVING wholeheartedly that you’ve got the perfect solution for their unique situation? There’s a reason top copywriters charge thousands for a few pages of well-written persuasion on paper. 

If you’re thinking “Melyssa, I don’t wanna be a copywriter.” I’ve got news my friend — if you run an online business, you already ARE a copywriter whether you like it or not. And the thing is, when you improve your copywriting skills, you’ll naturally…  

  • Attract more people who resonate with your message and can’t freakin’ wait to open your emails.
  • Increase your sales and conversions across the board — consider your copy your 24/7 online sales person. Yep, it’s that powerful. 
  • Gain confidence in your ability to create, launch, and sell new offers knowing that you’ve got the copy chops to take someone from not knowing they needed something to pulling out their credit card.

In this exclusive bonus copywriting workshop you’ll get the skills, tips, and tools you need to do all of the above from copywriting queen Jamie Jensen. You’ll learn how to write captivating emails that actually get opened, read, and clicked, subject lines that draw people in, and so much more. 

Better copy = a better business. This bonus will pay dividends for YEARS to come. 

Bonus #6

How to Grow Your List with Free Publicity ($297 Value)

If you’re anything like I used to be, these 2 letters make you wanna hide under your desk just a little… PR.

But PR when done right, is powerful. And it doesn’t have to feel spammy or inauthentic either. You can get free visibility boosting PR simply by contributing your brilliance to other people’s platforms. Sounds easy, right? That’s because it is, especially once you’ve got this bonus tucked into your back pocket. 

This workshop with my dear friend and publicity expert, Susie Moore will give you everything you need to confidently: 

… put yourself out there and pitch your ideas from a place of value (so you never feel scuzzy or wierd about reaching out to other online entrepreneurs).

… get featured on the “big deal” websites and podcasts your ideal clients and customers are paying attention to.

… bask in the positive ripple effect that comes from cultivating consistent visibility — a constant influx of new and engaged subscribers, increased sales, brag-worthy brands to add to the ‘as seen on’ section on your website, and so much more.

Bonus #7

30 Days of ConvertKit for FREE ($29 Value)

ConvertKit is my fave email marketing system for 3 BIG reasons: 

  1. It’s soooo easy to use. Seriously, even if you don’t consider yourself to be even a smidge “tech savvy” you can figure ConvertKit out — and if you ever get stuck they have the most helpful support team around. 
  2. They’re on a mission to help creators from all walks of life make a living online which means they’re constantly developing useful new features and tools to make your life easier (and your email marketing more profitable). 
  3. ConvertKit is super affordable compared to other email marketing platforms while still offering advanced features like segmentation, automation, and more. 

When you join Email List Academy, you’ll be able to try out ConvertKit for a month completely free of charge. (I hope you love it as much as I do!) 

Oh and did I mention I’ll show you how to set up your welcome sequence and drip campaigns inside of CK? Oh yeah, friend, it’s all happening. 

Bonus #8

Attract Your Ideal Audience Workbook

Think total clarity around where your dreamy future friends and customers are spending their time online and a game plan designed to make reaching those hearts and minds and getting them on your email list a piece of gluten-free chocolate cake.

Snag all these bonuses for just...
